
aprendizaje colaborativo

Listado de las entradas en esta categoría.

La Entrevista que no fue…

A veces las invitaciones a una entrevista tienen destinos inesperados, esta es una de esas. La comparto aquí en caso que pueda ser de interés… "En términos concretos, en la educación quizá habríamos de pensar en planes curriculares que pongan no tanto énfasis en enfoques enciclopédicos centrados a “conocer” muchos temas, y más en “comprender” por qué ocurren las cosas y cuáles son sus implicancias a corto y largo plazo."

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Latest joint publications

[EN] Here is a compilation of the joint publications (chapters, global reports, studies) elaborated or published during the last year or so. Most of them discuss the role of digital technologies, education policies, the impact of COVID in education, remote learning, privacy, among others. [SP] Aquí una compilación de las publicaciones conjuntas (capítulos, informes globales, estudios) elaboradas y publicadas durante el último año. En la mayoría exploramos el papel de las tecnologías digitales, las políticas educativas, el impacto del COVID en la educación, el aprendizaje remoto, la privacidad, entre otros.

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¿Cómo construimos el futuro de la educación?

Comparto una conversación sobre educación sobre educación y futuro que tuve con el Director Regional de la Fundación Varkey, Agustín Porres @agustinporres. En estos intercambios, recogeremos miradas disruptivas y originales sobre la educación que se viene y los diferentes caminos para acercarnos a ella. Agustín plantea una avalancha de preguntas y juntos exploramos futuros posibles caminos con una vista en lo que viene sin olvidarnos de los retos pendientes.

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Los beneficios de la educación presencial frente a la virtual

Algo que esta pandemia ha puesto en evidencia es que las distinciones que teníamos hasta el 2019 entre la educación presencial y la virtual o a distancia son hoy menores. A nivel global, diferentes sistemas educativos han abierto las puertas a nuevos formatos de enseñanza, nuevas formas de conectar estudiantes y docentes y es poco probable que eso desaparezca cuando acabe esta crisis.

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Can technology help teachers to mitigate the impact of COVID?

The COVID-19 health crisis created a unique difficult situation for teachers. With little warning and preparation they were required to conduct distance teaching and support remote learning, yet many were unable given the number of households that lack the relevant technology, tools and connectivity to allow pupils/students participate in the distant learning activities. Moreover, many teachers do not have ICT tools at home, even those with access to the internet often lacked the ICT skills and confidence to effectively conduct teaching online. In this workshop organized by my colleagues at UNESCO, we explored how to better support teachers in these challenging times...

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From coping to improving and accelerating: Supporting teachers in the pandemic and beyond

(Blog disponible en castellano) As education systems emerge from this COVID crisis, it is clear that a new chapter is waiting to be written on teacher training (e.g., increasing investments in remote learning, adopting blended models when schools partially reopen, or creating remedial e-courses), which can help educational systems build back stronger and become more equitable. It is critical to develop teachers’ digital pedagogical skills. These are the skills needed to critically assess and decide when and how to incorporate digital tools, and realistically define their impact to support or enhance learning. This is now more crucial than ever, as teachers who cannot effectively use technology may in the future be replaced (or displaced) by those who can. This post includes +15 country experiences. Better strategies are needed for teacher capacity-building, innovating teacher training methods (virtual coaching) and regular follow-up plans to support the skills developed, using remote tutors & peers.

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Should we stop the clock on education?

🎙Join globally renowned education technology experts Dr. Cristobal Cobo and Professor Neil Selwyn in a discussion with Dr. Monica Bulger about the abrupt shift to online learning as schools close globally in response to the coronavirus. Neil Selwyn advises edtech companies to not see this moment as a triumph, “it is an emergency, not an experiment.” Cristobal Cobo discusses the tools we bring to this crisis and recommends considering short-term and long-term approaches.

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How do you educate to decode the unknown?

The more social the experience of using technologies becomes, the closer the connection between digital skills and the so-called social-emotional skills. As important as learning to code might be, it also will be important to learn how to decode. Identifying new problems can lead us to change the way we see today’s skills. What are the most relevant skills for tomorrow? ☞From digital skills to multiliteracies ☞From using to understanding tech ☞From coding to decoding tech ☞From replacing people to increasing human thinking ☞From digital natives to critical skeptics

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Good bye (and thank you!) Uruguay

Five years ago Uruguay decided to create a research center focused on producing expert knowledge in the field of digital education. After an international call I was humbled to be chosen as director of this novel but ambitious initiative. Being a small country all I knew was the huge opportunity behind connecting and supporting national and international networks of experts in the field of EdTech.

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Nuevo Libro: Acepto las Condiciones

Este nuevo libro busca escapar de los reduccionismos. Según el tipo de trayectoria que se siga con la lectura puede transitarse desde el optimismo (utopía) a la tragedia (distopía) o simplemente desde el diagnóstico a la reacción (posible). La lectura es a medida y a gusto del lector. No hay recetas ni doctrinas que puedan instalarse de manera tan sencilla como una actualización en su sistema operativo. El objetivo último es reflexionar desde una perspectiva crítica y abierta sobre las consecuencias de la masificación de las tecnologías y su impacto en las nuevas formas de poder y control de la sociedad actual.

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Cristóbal Cobo