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La Entrevista que no fue…

A veces las invitaciones a una entrevista tienen destinos inesperados, esta es una de esas. La comparto aquí en caso que pueda ser de interés… "En términos concretos, en la educación quizá habríamos de pensar en planes curriculares que pongan no tanto énfasis en enfoques enciclopédicos centrados a “conocer” muchos temas, y más en “comprender” por qué ocurren las cosas y cuáles son sus implicancias a corto y largo plazo."

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Will AI enhance or replace teachers?

Perhaps 2023 will be remembered as the year when there was global interest in artificial intelligence in education (AiEd). Though still in its early stages, many expect AI could lead to significant changes in education. It’s often said that teachers need to be ready to embrace the future. However, it’s not always clear what guidance and support teachers receive to prepare themselves for this future. In this newsletter, we identify relevant international experiences on how to train, upskill, and guide educators through the changing but also fascinating landscape of AiEd.

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Cristóbal Cobo