
arte digital

Listado de las entradas con este tag.

An innovative large-scale action research in education

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology hosted the LINC Conference an international gathering of individuals and organizations to talk about and share best practices on current digital learning topics. The LINC event was arranged by MIT’s Office of Digital Learning.The 2016 Conference theme was on Digital Inclusion: Transforming Education through Technology.

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El irreversible cambio en el valor del conocimiento

El 2015 concluye acompañado de una larga lista de buenos proyectos académicos. Algunos de ellos ya concluidos y otros recién arrancando. Durante este año trabajamos con académicos de muchísimos centros de investigación, universidades y agencias interesadas en temas de innovación, big data, aprendizaje, el futuro de la educación y prospectiva tecnológica. La cosecha de este año destaca socios en USA, México, Argentina, Chile, Corea del Sur, Italia, Inglaterra, Perú y Brasil.

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#LearningAnalytics, Education, #EdTech and #BigData a Challenging but Attractive Opportunity

The continuous race for incorporating new technology in the education tends to generate a great hope for change. It is well known that digital infrastructure produce expectations that teachers could teach better and students will learn faster.

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Cristóbal Cobo