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La Entrevista que no fue…

A veces las invitaciones a una entrevista tienen destinos inesperados, esta es una de esas. La comparto aquí en caso que pueda ser de interés… "En términos concretos, en la educación quizá habríamos de pensar en planes curriculares que pongan no tanto énfasis en enfoques enciclopédicos centrados a “conocer” muchos temas, y más en “comprender” por qué ocurren las cosas y cuáles son sus implicancias a corto y largo plazo."

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The uses and abuses of digital technologies: Implications for education

The open-access eBook: I accept the terms and conditions: Uses and abuses of digital technologies, published by IDRC and Ceibal Foundation. Available in English and Spanish (Spanish version published by Santiallana Foundation). This book questions the purported neutrality of technology. They explore the extent to which the algorithms that give life to digital tools become the new oracle, the interface of connection with reality—a reality modified to satisfy the interests of a few. In this scenario, states are late to the discussion and the population at the individual level lacks the tools to regulate and manage their digital lives. It is crucial to understand the limitations of the current era and to take account of the fact that artificial stupidity (resulting from systems offering poor or bad information in an automated fashion) can be more dangerous than the lack of timely information. Today, it is necessary to develop an improved understanding of the meaning of critical digital literacy so that digital citizens can help make sense of, and act on, the new rules of the game.

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Rumbo hacia "nuevas" brechas digitales

La pandemia ha acelerado el papel de las tecnologías. Quizás sean necesarios cambios en nuestra mentalidad y comportamiento. ¿Hasta qué punto comprendemos la integración de las viejas y nuevas vulnerabilidades que surgen en la sociedad digital? Quizá haya que aclarar que este mensaje no debe simplificarse a un llamado contra todas las tecnologías digitales. Este es un llamado a la acción, a mantenernos críticos y en estado de alerta.

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We are heading towards a new digital divide

These press clippings might help us to understand how important is (and will be) to understand the transactional cost of our digital life. The pandemic has accelerated the role of technologies. Perhaps changes in our mindset and behaviors will be needed. To what extent we understand the old and new vulnerabilities that emerge in the digital society? No need to say that this message shall not be oversimplified as a call against all digital technologies. This is a call-to-action to be critical and to be alert. Citizens will still need to protect themselves in the smart city (I prefer smart citizens before smart cities).

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Cristóbal Cobo